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Russian historian Karen Petrone and Russian scholar Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby, along with Gregory Hall, professor in the Patterson School of…

Three Latinx students discuss their experiences at UK, and give advice to incoming international students on how to build community and thrive on…

Bridget Nicholas is a Senior majoring in Chinese and International Studies (concentration in comparative politics in East Asia) with a minor in…

​Tiwaladeoluwa Adekunle Adekunle, from Nigeria and Ghana, spoke at the 10 a.m. May 7 ceremony. She graduated with…

This video was created by UK Public Relations.

One of the most respected American scholarly authority on Islam, John L. Esposito, visited the…

International Studies senior Cassie Hardin is spending the next five months is Beijing, China. Luckily for us, she has a video camera and is not…