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The University Scholars Program (USP) offers highly motivated students the opportunity to integrate their undergraduate and graduate courses of study into a single continuous program culminating in both a baccalaureate and graduate degree while preparing students for the professional world in International Affairs.

The International Studies program confers a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (BA). The BA requires 120 hours and includes courses in foreign affairs and international studies. The Patterson School of Diplomacy confers a Master's of Arts (MA) degree in Diplomacy. The USP will allow qualified students to use up to 12 hours of coursework towards both their Bachelor and Master's degree.


USP students will be required to meet all curriculum requirements from the Patterson School, including choosing a major and minor concentration as well taking the required courses in each concentration. Students will work with their advisors in International Studies and the Patterson School when selecting courses to ensure that the course requirements for their major/minor concentrations are satisfied.

Students may use the 400G level courses from International Studies and elective courses from the Patterson School (600, 700) towards both degrees. Six (6) of the 12 credits to be shared will include DIP 700 - Dynamics of Diplomacy and INT 495G - Capstone Seminar in International Studies, both completed during the student's Senior year.


Since 1959, the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce has prepared future leaders for rewarding careers in international affairs. The School's hallmarks have been its intimate size, selectivity, and combination of diplomatic and commercial studies. Around the globe, Patterson graduates pursue exciting careers with governments, international organizations, NGOs, think tanks, and the private sector. With a faculty dedicated to providing an unparalleled learning experience, we ensure students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to have an impact on the world stage. Our graduates seek more than just a profession; they want to change the world.


Students will apply to the Patterson School during the standard admissions cycle in the Spring semester of their junior year, following the Graduate School procedures. If admitted in Spring of Junior year and through Senior year, the student will continue regular advising with International Studies but additionally be assigned an advisor with the Patterson School. Following completion and graduation from International Studies, the student will continue with solely a Patterson School advisor.

For more information please click here or contact the following:

Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce

120 Patterson Drive, 455 Patterson Office Tower, Lexington, KY 40506-0027   |   859-257-4666

College of Arts and Sciences International Studies

120 Patterson Drive, 1461 Patterson Office Tower, Lexington KY 40506-0027 or