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Academics / Courses / Course Offerings / Fall 2013 International Studies Courses

Fall 2013 International Studies Courses

Pathway Courses

ANT 160 Cultural Diversity in the Modern World

ANT 225 Cult, Enir, Global Issues

GEO 135 Global Climate Change

GEO 160 Lands/People Non-West World

GEO 162 Intro to Global Environmental Issues

GEO 172 Human Geography

HIS 104 His Eur Thru Mid-17 Cent

HIS 105 European History Mid-17 Century – Present

PS 210 Intro Comparative Politics

PS 235 World Politics

SOC 180 Global Societies in Comparative Perspective

TA 171 World Theatre I


Capstone Seminar Project

INT 495-001 Global Crime and Justice

INT 495-002 Collective Identities, Local and Global

INT 495-401 International Studies Research Project

Thematic Concentrations

International Relations

FR 214 France Today

HIS 355 Topics in Non-West History Since 1789 (all Sections)

HIS 563 History of Women in Latin America

HIS 574 Dip & For Pol US 1919

PS 428G Latin Amer Govt/Politics

PS 433G Pol Interntnl Econ Relat

PS 439G Spec Tops In IR: Causes of War

SOC 350-402 Tops Soc: Chinese US Politics & Citiznshp


Culture and the Arts

A-H 310 Studies in East Asian Art: Asian Ceramics

A-H 323 Medieval Art: Word & Image in Medieval Art

A-H 339 Studies in Art 1700-1840: Art & Enlightenment

A-H 526 Art/Artist in Soc: Arts of Contemp Africa

AIS 328 Islamic Civilization I

AIS 440 Intro to the Quran

ANT 242 Origins of New World Civilization

ANT 351 Spec Topics Archaeology: South American

ANT 352 Special Tops Cultural Anthropology (all sections)

ANT/ENG/LIN 515 Phonological Analysis

ANT/ENG/LIN 516 Grammatical Typology

ANT 582 SR Integrative Seminar

CHI 321 Intro to Contemp Chinese Film

CHI 331 Intro to Chinese Culture 1840-Present

CLA 210 The Art of Greece & Rome

CLA 261 Latin Literature I

CLA 331 Gender & Sexuality in Antiquity

CLA/HIS 390 Christian Backgrounds to 150 CE

CLA/HIS 509 Roman Law

CLA 525 Latin Lit of the Empire: Livy Hannibal

EDC/EPE 554 Culture, Education, and Teaching Abroad

ENG 241 Survey of British Lit I

ENG 341 Chaucer and His Contemporaries

ENG 345 British Poetry

ENG 347 The Rise of the British Novel

ENG 440G Studies British Lit: Women Wtrs 1660-1820

FAM/SW 354 Family in Cross-Cultural Perspective

FR 344 The Literary Text: Inventing the Text

FR 350 Francophone Cultures: Culture Aesthetics

FR 470G Topical Sem I: Foreigner Early Mod Texts

GER 312 Intro Ger Lit: Pop Forms

GER 363 Germanic Mythology

GER 415G Major Ger Authors: Kleist

HIS/CLA 229 Ancnt Near East/GR to Dth Alec the Great

HIS 512 Carolingian Empire

HIS 595 Studies in History: Africa Borderlands

HJS 324 Jewish Thought/Culture I Ancnt  Isrl-mid Age

HJS 425 Tops in Judaic Studies (all sections)

ITA 263 Italian Masterpieces in Translation

JPN 320 Intr to Japanese Cult Pre-Mod to 1868

JPN 351 Japanese Experience of 20th Century

LIN 317 Language & Society: Lang & Globalization

MAT 247 Dress & Culture

MAT 470 International Merchandising

MUS 330 Music in the World: Asian Music

PHI 343 Asian Philosophy

RUS 270 Russian Culture 900-1900

RUS 271 Russian Culture 1900-Present

RUS 381 Russian Lit 1900-Present (In English)

RUS 400G Russian Cultural Studies: Petersburg – Paris

SPA 208 U.S. Latino Culture & Politics

SPA 262 Spa Lit in Translation: Latin Amer Lit

SPA 315 Introduction to Hispanic Literature

SPA 320 Lit, Life & Thght Spain

SPA 322 Lit, Life & Thght Span Am

SPA 400 Sp Top Hispanic Lit & Lang: Fic Spain Lat Am

SPA 444 20&21 Century Spanish Studies: New Spain


Global Environment

AEC 424 Prin Environmental Law

ANT 375 Ecology & Social Practice

FOR 230 Conservation Biology

GEO 261 Global Dynamics of Health & Disease

GEO 356 Spec Tops Regional Geography: Mexico

GEO/BIO 530 Biogeography and Conservation

JPN/GEO 334 Environ, Soc & Economy of Japan

NRE 301 Natural Resource Conservation & Mgmt

PS 433G Pol Interntnl Econ Relat

SPA 312 Civilization of Spain

SPA 314 Civilization of Span Amer


International Development

AEC 300-004 Tops AEC: Agriculture in Econ Development

COM 462 Intercultural Communication

EDC/EPE 554 Culture, Education & Teaching Abroad

GEO 255 Geography of the Global Economy

GEO 455 Globalization and the Changing Economy

PS 391-002 Sp Top in PS: Politics of Development

PS 433G Pol Interntnl Econ Relat

SOC 299-401 Intro Tops Soc: Global Food & Local Agr

SOC 380 Globalization: A X-Cultural Perspective


International Commerce

AEC 309 Intnl Ag Food NDS US Trade in Ag Product

AEC/ECO 471 International Trade

AEC 510 International Trade & Ag Mkt

FOR 230 Conservation Biology

GEO 255 Geography of the Global Economy

GEO 455 Globalization and the Changing Economy

GEO/JPN 334 Eviron, Soc & Economy of Japan

MAT 470 International Merchandising

MGT 309 Intro to International Business

MKT 435 International Marketing

PS 433G Pol Interntnl Econ Relat

SPA 302 Commercial & Tech Span


Human Rights and Social Movements

A&S 300-004 Special Course: Refugees Humanitarianism

ANT 352-003 Special Tops Cultural Ant: Indigens Mvmt

GEO 261 Global Dynamics of Health & Disease

GWS 250 Social Movements

GWS 595 Issues GWS: Women Gender Latin America

HIS 563 History of Women in Latin America

SOC 350-402 Tops Soc: Chinese US Politics & Citiznshp


Area Concentrations

Africa and the Middle East

AAS/HIS 254 His of Subsaharan Africa

AAS/GEO 328 Geo of MidEast/N Africa

A-H 526 Art/Artist Society: Contemp Africa

AIS 328 Islamic Civilization I

AIS 440 Intro to the Quran

ANT 352-001 Spec Tops Cultural Ant: North Africa

ANT 352-002 Spec Tops Cultural Ant: Muslim Soc

HIS 229 Ancnt Near East/GR to Dth Alex the Great

HIS 355-002 Tops Non-West His snc 1789: Migrtn Africa

HIS 355-003 Tops Non-West His snc 1789: Mod Ne Afr

HIS 595-001 Studies in History: Africa Borderlands

HJS 324 Jewish Thought/Culture I Ancnt  Isrl-mid Age

HJS 425 Tops in Judaic Studies (all sections)


East, South, and Southeast Asia

A&S 300-004 Special Course: Refugees Humanitarianism

A-H 310 Studies in East Asian Art: Asian Ceramics

AIS 328 Islamic Civilization I

AIS 440 Intro to the Quran

CHI 321 Intro to Contemp Chinese Film

CHI 331 Intro to Chinese Culture 1840-Present

GEO 333 Geography of East Asia

GEO/JPN 334 Eviron, Soc & Economy of Japan

HIS 355-001 Tops Non-West His snc 1789: Japan at War

JPN 320 Intr to Japanese Cult Pre-Mod to 1868

JPN 351 Japanese Experience of 20th Century

MCL 324 City Twentieth Cent: Tokyo, Shanghai, Paris

MUS 330 Music of the World: Asian Music

PHI 343 Asian Philosophy

SOC 350-402 Tops Soc: Chinese US Politics & Citiznshp



A-H 339 Stds/Art 1700-1840: Art & Enlightenment

CLA 210 The Art of Greece & Rome

CLA/HIS 229 Ancnt Near East/GR to Dth Alex the Great

CLA 261 Latin Literature I

CLA 301 Latin Literature I: Selected Readings

CLA 331 Gender & Sexuality in Antiquity

CLA 390 Christian Bacgrounds to 150 CE

CLA/HIS 390 Christian Backgrounds to 150 CE

CLA/HIS 509 Roman Law

CLA 525 Latin Lit of the Empire: Livy Hannibal

ENG 241 Survey of British Lit I

ENG 341 Chaucer & His Contemporaries

ENG 345 British Poetry

ENG 347 The Rise of the British Novel

ENG 440G Studies British Lit: Women Wtrs 1660-1820

FR 214 France Today

FR 344 The Literary Text: Inventing the Text

FR 470G Topical Sem I: Foreigner Early Mod Texts

GEO 326 Geography of Europe

GER 312 Intro Ger Lit: Pop Forms

GER 343 Global Horror

GER 363 Germanic Mythology

GER 415G Major Ger Authors: Kleist

HIS 202 Hist Brit People to Rest

HIS 352 Tops Euro His Before 1789: Jewish Civ -1492

HIS 353 Tops Euro His Snc 1789: Jews, CTZ’s other

HIS 512 Carolingian Empire

HIS 540 His of Mod France 1815

HIS 542 German History 1789-1918

HIS 555 British Hist since 1901

HJS 324 Jewish Thought/Culture I Ancnt  Isrl-mid Age

HJS 425 Tops in Judaic Studies (all sections)

ITA 263 Italian Masterpieces in Translation

SPA 312 Civilization of Spain

SPA 320 Lit, Life & Thght Spain

SPA 444 20&21 Century Spanish Studies: New Spain


Latin America 

ANT 242 Origins-New World Civil

ANT 351-001 Spec Topics Archaeology: South American

ANT 352-003 Special Tops Cultural Ant: Indigens Mvmt

GEO 365 Spec Tops Regional Geography: Mexico

GWS 595-001 Issues GWS: Women Gender Latin America

HIS 206 His of Colonial Latin Am, 1492-1810

HIS 563 History of Women in Latin America

LAS 201 Intro to Latin America

PS 428G Latin Amer Govt/Politics

SPA 208 U.S. Latino Culture & Politics

SPA 314 Civilization of Span Amer

SPA 315 Intro to Hispanic Literature

SPA 322 Lit, Life & Thght Span Am

SPA 400 Sp Top Hispanic Lit & Lang: Fic Spain Lat Am


Russia and Eurasia

HIS 385 Hist of Russia to 1825

RUS 270 Russian Culture 900-1900

RUS 271 Russian Culture 1900-Present

RUS 381 Russian Lit 1900-Present (In English)

RUS 400G Russian Cultural Stud: Petersburg-Paris