Year of Mexico
Exhibit: North and Northeastern Mexico
There's a North and Northeastern Mexico exhibition in Willy T's Young Atrium. Come check it out.
Ven a ver la exhibición del Norte y Noreste de México en el salon Young Atrium dentro de Willy T. Library.
Exhibit: Aztec Remedies
Viva Mexico presents the exhibit Aztec Remedies. The exhibit shows some medical practices that the Aztecs adopted in their civilizations. It's taking place in the Chandler Medical Center Library from now until November 22nd.
Ven a aprender sobre los remedios Aztecas con esta exhibición presentada por el programa Viva México. La exhibición está en la Biblioteca del Chandler Medical Center hasta el 22 de noviembre.
Dr. Lorenzo Meyer Politics in Mexico Today (A&S 100 Course)
Columnist and historian Lorenzo Meyer discusses politics in Mexico today.
El columnista e historiador Lorenzo Meyer presentará temas sobre la política contemporánea en México.
A&S 100 - Special Course: Viva Mexico! A Century of War & Peace
A short course offered this Spring 2014 Semester.
Although it has a population of 112 million people and shares a two thousand mile border with the United States, most people know very little about Mexico. In order to better our comprehension of this southern neighbor, this course traces Mexican history over the last century. Two wars circumscribe our period of study. We begin with the Mexican Revolution of 1910, the first social revolution of the twentieth century and the first revolution to be caught on film. We explore the political, economic, social, and cultural aspects of that revolution in order to understand its long-term impact. We conclude with the ongoing drug war, which has already taken the lives of 70,000 Mexicans. In order to understand the issues of war and peace in contemporary Mexico, we will establish a dialogue between the past and the present. Mexico has a rich and diverse culture. Therefore, we will also study cultural politics: gender relations and the changing role of women, the great diversity of indigenous Mexicans and their conditions, student politics and educational policies, and trends in music, art, and literature.
Curso corto para el semestre de Spring 2014.
Aunque tiene una población de 112 millones de personas y comparte una frontera de 2,000 milllas con Estados Unidos, es poco lo que la gente sabe de México. Este curso repasará la historia Mexicana del último siglo, en el cual hay dos guerras que marcaron al país y lo llevaron a ser el país que México es hoy en día. El curso comenzará con la Revuloción Mexicana de 1910 ya que eta fue la primera revolución social del Siglo XX la primera revolución que fue documentada en video. Se estudiarán aspectos tanto políticos, económicos, sociales y culturales, ya que estos aspectos ayudan a entender el impacto que la revolución tuvo. El curso terminará con un estudio y análisis de a guerra que México lucha hoy en día, la guerra de drogas. Esta guerra ha sido causa de 70.000 muertes Mexicanas. Para poder entender la dinámica de la guerra del pasado y la de hoy en día se abrirán mesas de diálogue en las cuales se discutiran temas de igualdad, indígenas, mujeres, políticas educacionales y el arte.
Poetry Reading
A Night of Poetry with Eduardo Corral, the Latino Outreach Leaders, and Steven Alvarez
The noted Chicano poet Eduardo C. Corral and several high school students from the local chapter of the Latino Outreach Leaders of Paul Laurence Dunbar High School (PLDHS) and Dr. Steven Alvarez of Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies will perform a public reading of their writing at the University of Kentucky Martin Luther King, Jr. Center.
Corral is the winner of the Yale Younger Series Poets Prize, and his first book Slow Lightning was published by Yale University Press in 2012. The Latino Outreach Leaders of PLDHS formed in 2012 through the initiative of students and staff at the school to create and sustain a club for Latino students centered on empowering them through professional development and college preparation. Together with Dr. Alvarez they published the edited collection Living Out Loud: Our Stories, Our Struggles. The evening will be a celebration of poetry, bilingualism, and Mexican culture.
Una noche de poesía con los Líderes de Latino Outreach: Eduardo Corral y Steven Álvarez.
El poeta Chicano Eduardo Corral y varios estudiantes de programa Latino Outreach de Paul Laurence Dunbar High School en conjunto con el Dr. Steven Alvarez del departaento de WRD compartirán algunos de sus poemas en el Martin Luther King, Jr. Center.
Corral ganó el premio Yale Younger Series Poets Prize, y su primer libro Slow Lightning fue publicado por Yale University Press en el 2012. El programa de Latino Outreach de PLDHS es producto de una iniciativa de estudiantes y faculdad del colegio que se formó en el 2012 con la meta de crear un club para estudiantes Latinos que les permita desarrollarse y prepararse para una carrera universitaria y profesional. Con el apoyo del Dr. Álvarez, Latino Outreach pudo publicar una colección de poemas: Living Out Loud: Our Stories, Our Struggles.
Esta noche promete ser una noche de celebración de poesía, idiomas y la cultura Mexicana.
Cultural Heritage & Tourism Panel (A&S 100 class)
Cultural heritage is big business in Mexico, with profound implications for the nation’s economy, for the livelihoods and identities of descendant communities, and for the scholarly study and preservation of archaeological sites and materials. This panel will explore the economic, cultural and historical nexus of cultural heritage and tourism in a panel featuring Dr. Patricia McAnany, (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), and Drs. Sarah Lyon and Chris Pool of the Department of Anthropology at U.K.
Patricia A. McAnany is a Maya archaeologist who has conducted field research and cultural heritage programs through the Maya region. For more information on her work, you can visit the page
Sarah Lyon´s research interests include economic anthropology, tourism, globalization, agricultural production and commodity chains, sustainable consumption, Latin America, and Maya culture and identity.
Chris Pool´s research focuses primarily on the evolution of complex societies in the tropical lowlands of southern Veracruz, Mexico, including the Olmecs and their Epi-Olmec.
Mexican Revolution Day Film - "The Storm that Swept Mexico"
Day of Dead Ballet
Come watch this amazing performance that will follow a Mexican family as they celebrate the Day of the Dead in a small Mexican Village. The performance will include a Spanish-English presentation of the actual Holiday in Mexico. Tickets are available, free of charge, for students, faculty and staff at the Student Center Ticket office.
Ven y disfruta de este ballet que seguirá a una familia Mexicana celebrando el Día de los Muertos en un pequeno pueblo Mexicano. El show incluirá una presentación en Ingles y Esapanol con información sobre este feriado y festividad.
Day of the Dead Festival
Hosted by the Living Arts & Science Center. The Festival will show how Mexicans and various other cultures around the world remember and celebrate their passed families and friends. The festival will feature traditional Mexican musica, dancers, and a candle light parade.
Ven a celebrar el Día de los Muertos con Living Arts & Sciences Center. Durante el festival habrá música tradicional mexicana, bailes tradicionales, mucho color y una caminata a luz de candelas. Ven a recordar y celebrar a tu familia y amigos como lo hacen los mexicanos y otras culturas lationamericanas.